To discuss a potential referral, please call 07368 619 669 or email
Referral Pathway
Referral received
Aknowledged same day
Screening of referral
Within 3 working days and an assessment offered if appropriate
Offer Initial Assessment
Assessment to be completed within 7 working
Following Initial Assessment
A decision to be communicated to the referrer
within 9 working days following assessment
Moving In
A moving in date will be communicated to the referring body and client following initial
Following Initial Assessment
Staff will work closely with each client in line with
their rehabilitation plan, supporting them to access community resources and agencies to
meet their needs.
Who can we support ?
- Individuals must have a recognized need for supported living service.
- Individuals must be 18 years or older.
- Individuals must have a severe and enduring mental health problem requiring support to develop daily living skills.
- Community Sections of the MHA: Individuals may be subject to community sections of the Mental Health Act (MHA), such as conditional discharge, Community Treatment Orders (CTO), or guardianship.
- Following an admission to acute services, a comprehensive Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) and Care Programme Approach (CPA) discharge meeting will be conducted, attended by all relevant staff, including the social worker, care coordinator and Supported Living Service staff.
- Individuals must have a Social Worker / Care Coordinator within the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and be open to the Care Programme Approach.
- Individuals must have up-to-date Care Programme Approach (CPA) documentation, including identified occupational needs within the Health & Social Needs Assessment and Care Plan, a current and accurate Crisis and Contingency Plan for placement breakdown, and Enhanced Risk Assessments.
- Individuals must be willing to participate in a recovery and support program of the supported living service.
- Individuals must have the capacity, motivation, and ability to engage in the process.
- Individuals must have identified funding and personal income.
- Individuals may be at risk of losing their tenancy due to mental health issues.
Who can we not support ?
The service is unable to meet the needs of individuals who:
- Are in an acute phase of their illness and present a high risk to themselves or others, including those already accepted into the service who require readmission to acute services.
- Lack of Care Coordination or Social Worker.
- Have continuing care needs that require long-term treatment and placements.
- Have organic conditions.
- Are in the first episode of treatment.
- Have a primary diagnosis related to alcohol or substance misuse.
- Are detained under the Mental Health Act.
- Have a primary diagnosis of a learning disability or an organic mental illness.
- Have been identified at their most recent CPA meeting as unwilling or unable to engage in the rehabilitation process.
- Cannot be managed safely within the service, considering the existing cohort of clients.